Next.js conditional dynamic import

While it's not fully clear from documentation, and a Stack Overflow answer doesn't provide that information explicitly enough, Next.js dynamic import can be used for conditional importing of React components.

Most examples of dynamic import are about a case where a component is displayed or not, like a modal opened on clicking a button:

import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const Modal = dynamic(() => import("./Modal"));

const ComponentOpeningModal = () => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);

return <>
<button onClick={() => setIsModalOpen(true)}>Open</button>
{isOpen? <Modal onClose={() => setIsModalOpen(false)}/> : null}

But let's not forget that it's also possible to conditionally import and display one of several available components.

Example code

For a moment let's forget about translation libraries, and let's suppose that we have several variants of components for multiple languages. In actual usage, dynamic import makes sense when the components are large, but for the purpose of this example, let's consider these examples:

const GreetingEN: React.FC = () => <div>Hello!<div>;
export default GreetingEN;
const GreetingPL: React.FC = () => <div>Cześć!</div>;
export default GreetingPL;
const GreetingJA: React.FC = () => <div>こんにちは</div>;
export default GreetingJA;

Let's augment the code with console.log:

console.log('import EN');
const GreetingEN: React.FC = () => {
console.log('render EN');
return <div>Hello!<div>
export default GreetingEN;
console.log('import PL');
const GreetingPL: React.FC = () => {
console.log('render PL');
return <div>Cześć!</div>
export default GreetingPL;
console.log('import JA');
const GreetingJA: React.FC = () => {
console.log('render JA');
return <div>こんにちは</div>
export default GreetingJA;

Let's create a component that imports and displays one of the available components:

import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";

const GreetingPL = dynamic(() => import("./GreetingPL"));
const GreetingEN = dynamic(() => import("./GreetingPL"));
const GreetingJA = dynamic(() => import("./GreetingJA"));

const greetingsByLanguage = {
pl: GreetingPL,
en: GreetingEN,
ja: GreetingJA

const Greeting: React.FC = () => {
const { locale } = useRouter();
const GreetingComponent = greetingsByLanguage[locale];
return <GreetingComponent />

In the browser console, when the locale is en, we can see import EN and render EN, but not import PL or import JA. After changing the locale of the displayed page, by clicking a Link component pointing to the same page but with a different locale, we can see the corresponding import and render messages.

It means that the dynamic import actually works for conditionally displaying React components.

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