Next.js and react-intl (FormatJS) language namespacing

As a part of my job, I work on a certain website using Next.js and react-intl (part of FormatJS). As indicated by Pagespeed Insights, file _app.tsx has lots of unused code andits size could be reduced to improve loading time and decrease data usage. Here's an optimization that reduces bundle size when using FormatJS and Next.js, especially for large websites.


When working with Next.js and FormatJS, most tutorials tells us to import JSON files with compiled translations inside _app.tsx and pass the correct translation into, like that:

import translationsPL from "../locales/compiled/pl.json";
import translationsEN from "../locales/compiled/en.json";
// ... other languages ...

function MyApp(props) {
const { Component, pageProps } = props;
const router = useRouter();

const locale = pageProps.locale ?? router.locale;
const messages = useMemo(() => {
switch (locale) {
case "pl":
return translationsPL;
case "en":
return translationsEN;
// ... other languages ...
// ...
// ...
return translationPL;
}, [locale]);

return (
{/* ... other providers ... */}
<IntlProvider locale={locale} messages={messages}>
{/* ... other providers ... */}
<Component {...pageProps} />
{/* ... other providers ... */}
{/* ... other providers ... */}

It works, but it's wasteful. It causes all translations to be loaded on every page. With lots of languages and lots of pages, it'll cause the downloaded JS size to significantly grow.


After trying several other ideas, I found a working solution:

  1. Make translations namespaced
  2. Split messages into multiple files
  3. Merge shared messages and namespaced translations and pass it into another IntlProvider

Make translations namespaced

As we currently use explicit id for every translated text, for texts that are page-specific, not shared, we changed translation ids to format [somenamespace]::[sometranslation]. The separator is :: but it could be actually any character or character sequence that doesn't otherwise exist in any existing translation id.

For example:

id: "some-translation-id",
defaultMessage: "some text"


id: "mynamespace::some-translation-id",
defaultMessage: "some text"

and this:

defaultMessage="another text"


defaultMessage="another text"

Shared messages, that don't go to any namespace, don't have namespace name and separator prepended.

Note that moving translations to namespaces can be done gradually - messages not moved to a namespace so far will stay in shared messages.

Split messages into multiple files

After running compilation script (formatjs compile), the compiled files (pl.json, en.json) contain all translations, including namespaced ones. Then, a custom-written Node.js script reads the compiled files, identifies what namespaces exist and what keys are in each, and writes files with namespace name prepended (or nothing prepended for shared messages):


The [namespacename]-[languageid].json files have identical format to compiled [languageid].json, but contain files only from a given namespace.

Merge shared messages and namespaced translations and pass it into another IntlProvider

Because useIntl hook returns current locale and all available messages, it's possible to get the shared messages and locale from there, and pass them (with namespaced messages added) to another IntlProvider. Then, every component inside the new IntlProvider will use the new, larger translations set.

A component that provides namespaced translations to its children could look like that:

import translationsPL from "../locales/compiled/mynamespace-pl.json";
import translationsEN from "../locales/compiled/mynamespace-en.json";
// ... other languages ...

const MyNamespaceTranslationsProvider = (props) => {
const { children, translations } = props;
const { locale, messages: commonMessages } = useIntl(); // <- imports messages from the upper IntlProvider

const allMessages = useMemo(() => {
let namespacedMessages = translationsPL;
switch (locale) {
case "pl":
namespacedMessages = translationsPL;
case "en":
namespacedMessages = translationsEN;
// ... other languages ...

// Merge messages from the upper IntlProvider with locally imported one
return { ...commonMessages, ...namespacedMessages };
}, [locale, commonMessages]);

// Provide merged messages to the components inside
return (
<IntlProvider locale={locale} messages={allMessages}>

Then, it can be used e.g. on a file in src/pages/pageName.tsx:

import NamespacedTranslationsProvider from "../../components-v2/NamespacedTranslationsProvider";
// ... other imports

const SomePage = () => {
return (
{/* .... other content .... */}

export default SomePage;


How much it's going to help? It very much depends on size of translations on your site, how many languages you support, and how many messages can be moved to their namespaces.

In my case, moving content of several pages to namespaces (not all of them, we can move more texts) decreased _app.tsx size by tens of kB.

Update (16 May 2023)

See the article about dynamic import too - it's another thing that could reduce bundle size when using Next.js localization.

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